

69ID: 568862

年龄: 43

性别: 男性

寻找: 女性,夫妻/情侣,群组

地区: 中国,上海,静安

金钱: 0

积分: 35

人气: 233432

简单介绍: Very hot - handsome and horny foreigner with a big dick . want to be with Girls and Couples. try me ...I can make you super happy



USA 2020
Maldive 2018
Nemo's Dicx
Nemo Dixx
Maldives 2013
Nemo Shanghai
Nemo 3P
Handsome & Horny European Single Man

nemo3p >> 日志 >> Handsome & Horny European Single Man

Handsome & Horny European Single Man

发布日期 : 2012-02-21     作者 : nemo3p     人气 : 2580

I am super horny and energatic....can fuck 24 hours without stop . write your info here ......

I am clean and European and very Handsome... i want couples and hot girls to make 3P


2012-02-23 09:29:38
How contact?

2012-02-23 09:54:41
i will upgrade my account i can send you my details
are u in shanghai ? and are u available in april 15 ?

2012-02-24 20:33:51
I am 5th level. i can see your qq or details. so you can write only say hello. then i can add your qq....... waiting any hot couples or girls .

2012-02-25 09:05:30
How are you sir! Did anyone ever tell you you look like Luis Figo? I want to tell you that some girls' photos on 69 are false

2012-02-25 09:10:24
thanks fruck ....nice to meet you. and for your good words and advice . will add you . thanks

2012-02-25 09:11:33
thanks fruck ....nice to meet you. and for your good words and advice . will add you . thanks

2012-02-25 21:49:17
Very nice

2012-03-05 10:05:44
Please add we QQ chat, last year we had with an American man communication, everyone was happy...

2012-03-05 10:55:37
mmmm only young couples !!!! sorry

2013-08-12 23:58:21
I want to 3P with Caucasian woman, I wait for you Shangri-La in Yunnan

2013-08-13 20:00:42
hehe you can wait forever there . Because i am a single :)

2014-02-05 23:07:37
NIce add me, i shenzhen
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